First of all I have to express surprise that these lurkers drop out of the sky to chime in on a personal post. Their posts are hurtful and far more damaging than anything I have seen on this site from anyone legitimately here. Spade seems to speak in code, I couldn't understand what he was saying. DY is like the original 'white-washed grave' dipped in sugar. Is it possible someone can claim to just drop in occasionally, yet have almost 3000 posts? Being new to this site I found their behavior more convincing to me than anything else that I have chosen the right path.
Doinmypart-I hope you and your wife have worked things out. My hubby started 'cooling off' a few years ago. I used to try and drag him to meetings and would get so angry that this man I had married 'in the Lord' was no longer going to serve alongside me. I would actually comfort myself with the thought, "Well, if he dies at Armageddon I will just get another, more spiritual, husband in the new system." I always felt that marriage vows could be annulled if one of the members left the faith. I talked to the elders and asked for help. They would visit and try and encourage my husband but nothing helped. I got tired of making excuses at every meeting: He's sick, he's working, he's sleeping, he's out of town, etc. Finally I started telling people, "If you want to know how he is or where he is, call him yourself." I got a few surprised looks, but you know what? Nobody called. Nobody visited anymore. I got tired of going by myself all the time. My meeting attendance became sporadic. The further away I got the better I felt. Six months ago I still swore I was a believer and would get reactivated. I'm not sure when I realized i was done, but I eventually did.
What I'm saying is, it can happen. If your wife and you love one another and can find neutral ground, you may be surprised what the future will bring.